Friday, March 4, 2011

Adding bookmarks to your CRM form.

In my current implementation, instead of adding many tabs to the CRM form, we ended up adding multiple sections on one tab.
The end result was that the form became extremely long and it was getting only longer. So, in order to enhance the user experience, there was a need to add a bookmark style facility to the page.
After a lot of thought I went ahead and asked for some ideas in the CRM newsgroups. I got some great ideas from the community and it turned out that implementing this functionality was simpler than I had imagined.
So, I created one HTML page with links to the various sections(section1, section 2 etc.). When the user clicks on any section link, I will simply set the focus to the first field on that section, there by redirecting the user to that section.
Simple, isn’t it? :-)

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