Friday, March 4, 2011

Points about Pre-update plugin

1. A pre-update plugin can be used to update the field values of the same record/entity.
2. Only the values that we are changing in the entity form will be available in the entity context.
3. If we want to access the values of fields that we are not going to update, then we need to register the image for that entity and include the attributes whose value we need.
4. Finally, we need to directly update the entity context for the changes to get reflected.
Note: We cannot do a service.update(entity) as this will cause the code to go in a circular loop and finally the plugin will throw an error and the changes will not get saved!
Code Sample:
//Updating a boolean value to true or false using Pre-update
// Obtain the target business entity from the input parameters.
entity = (DynamicEntity)context.InputParameters.Properties["Target"];
//Instantiating the boolean property and passing the boolen field name and value to the property
CrmBooleanProperty boolProp = new CrmBooleanProperty("new_verified", new CrmBoolean(false));
//Adding the Property to the entity properties

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