Thursday, February 20, 2014

Retrieve CRM Form Metadata Xml

The below method helps us to retrieve the FormXml of a CRM Entity
        private string GetFormXml(string websiteName, string entityName, IOrganizationService service)
            string formXml = "";

                RetrieveEntityRequest mdRequest = new RetrieveEntityRequest()
                    EntityFilters = EntityFilters.Attributes,
                    LogicalName = entityName,
                    RetrieveAsIfPublished = true
                // Execute the request
                RetrieveEntityResponse entityResponse = (RetrieveEntityResponse)service.Execute(mdRequest);
                //EntityMetadata entityData = entityResponse.EntityMetadata;y

                var entityTypeCode = entityResponse.EntityMetadata.ObjectTypeCode.Value;

                QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression("systemform");
                query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("formxml");
                query.Criteria.AddCondition(new ConditionExpression("name", ConditionOperator.Equal, websiteName));
                query.Criteria.AddCondition(new ConditionExpression("objecttypecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, entityTypeCode));

                RetrieveMultipleRequest retrieveRequest = new RetrieveMultipleRequest();
                retrieveRequest.Query = query;

                var results = (RetrieveMultipleResponse)service.Execute(retrieveRequest);
                formXml = results.EntityCollection.Entities[0].Attributes["formxml"].ToString();

                return formXml;

            catch (FaultException ex)
                throw new FaultException("Error occured while instantiating the CRM Service " + ex.ToString());

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Retrieving the optionset label

The below code helps us to retrieve the label of the option set. Please note that the "optionValue" is the integer value of the label that you want to retrieve.
        public static string GetOptionSetLabel(string entityName, string attributeName, int optionValue, IOrganizationService service)
                RetrieveAttributeRequest retrieveAttributeRequest =
                            new RetrieveAttributeRequest
                                EntityLogicalName = entityName,
                                LogicalName = attributeName,
                                RetrieveAsIfPublished = true

                // Execute the request.
                RetrieveAttributeResponse retrieveAttributeResponse =

                // Access the retrieved attribute.
                PicklistAttributeMetadata retrievedPicklistAttributeMetadata = (PicklistAttributeMetadata)retrieveAttributeResponse.AttributeMetadata;

                // Get the current options list for the retrieved attribute.
                OptionMetadata[] optionList = retrievedPicklistAttributeMetadata.OptionSet.Options.ToArray();

                foreach (OptionMetadata option in optionList)
                    if (option.Value == optionValue)
                        return option.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label;
            catch(Exception ex)
                WriteErrorLog(entityName, "Error while retrieving the optionset labels " + ex.ToString(), service);

            return String.Empty;

Retrieve the image saved in an Entity Record

The below method can be used to retrieve the image that is stored in an entity record.

        public static byte[] GetEntityImage(string entityName, Guid entityId, IOrganizationService service)
                QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression(entityName);
                query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("entityimage");
                query.Criteria = new FilterExpression(LogicalOperator.And);
                query.Criteria.AddCondition(entityName + "id", ConditionOperator.Equal, entityId);
                EntityCollection collection = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);
                if (collection.Entities[0].Contains("entityimage"))
                    return collection.Entities[0]["entityimage"] as byte[];

            catch (Exception ex)
                //WriteErrorLog(entityName, ex.ToString(), service);
            return null;