I recently came across a situation where I had to use Jscript while Bulk Editing the records in CRM 2011. As we all know, this is not possible out of the box but thanks to Michael Höhne (http://www.stunnware.com/crm2/topic.aspx?id=BulkEdit) and Microsoft for providing with the KB article (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/949941)
Here is what we need to do:
1. Export the entity as a solution for which JScript needs to be enabled during Bulk Edit.
2. Open the customization.xml
3. Add BehaviorInBulkEditForm="Enabled" to the event handlers as shown below
Here is what we need to do:
1. Export the entity as a solution for which JScript needs to be enabled during Bulk Edit.
2. Open the customization.xml
3. Add BehaviorInBulkEditForm="Enabled" to the event handlers as shown below
< event name="onchange" application="false" active="false" attribute="new_day" BehaviorInBulkEditForm="Enabled" > < event name="onsave" application="false" active="false" BehaviorInBulkEditForm="Enabled" >4. Save and Import the solution. Your JScript code should now be triggered!